Baronial Archery Practice

Date(s) - 12/05/2024
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

168 Hamilton Rd


The first of our seasonal archery practices will be in Berwick, at the home of Ulrich and Olivia, on Sunday, the 12th of May, 1-5 pm, with a pot luck supper to follow. It is our tradition that this shoot is in garb.

We will be testing out some new designs for butts before War Camp, so we would be happy to have your arrows to help us test. We will also have the first Royal Rounds of the season, and a chance to practice your skills at grouping. I will introduce Master Peter the Red’s string shoot, as a way of testing the consistency of your shooting.

The address of the site is: 168 Hamilton Rd, Berwick, NS.