Present Alessandra Thorin Ulfsson Esperanza de Cordoba Janet Kempe Perceval Gower Admiranda Gower Jennifer of Ruantallan (Felisha) Aveline Gaston leCordier Seneschal report getting distant shore set up james alessandra donal = curia none of curia were on bank account incl seneschal last several seneschals haven't had official email, since pippa. Pippa still had access & signing authority in the process of getting bank account back previous seneschals are helping baron adds: james can't get membership bc portal is down, baron has tried several times alessandra has found many broken rules, full Kingdom report to come. Expects sanctions. A lot of lies. Should be cleared up within a month. new people don't have access to emails yet but will at some point seneschal: looking to do RP in fall/maybe combo with BIA Thorin asks: do we want martial practice in Distant Shore starting again (Victoria Park) seneschal: yes small discussion ensued webminister - has created deputy emails w/drive access, can assign as deputies come on board - has been showing people on zoom how to do job for when term is up - may have a successor minister of archery - trying to find a spot for practices etc; Vivian and Nick have offered driveway; work in progress; offer has been on table a long time - looking at going back to space in Berwick (Ulfric's) - wants to have monthly Barony archery practices, hopefully free - working on Middle Ground as next location for Principality archery championship Minister of Lists - has many questions - now has access to MoL database. Appears to be very out of date. Only 8 currently warranted heavies 10 currently warranted rapiers - MoL and KM want to work hard on updating - discussion about mandatory attendance at events/practices - MoL wants to reach out to previous officeholder and MoLs elsewhere for MoL 101 (Hugh) - Q: will next event be Sigtuna, who will run tourney, we don't know yet; KM will fill in as last choice - Baroness: we need more fencing marshals; (0KM is getting soon) - asks for clarification on reporting requirements Exchequer - bank balance jan 17 7899.76, no outstanding cheques, holding money for Ravensdale, Cooks Guild, and Royal Travel fund - sen & excq to meet for signing some papers - everything is now stored with seneschal not previous people - haven't received damage deposit back yet from previous event A&S Idea for Sigtuna: A&S competition for children? Also idea for children to do activities no need for Youth certified people present as long as in same room sarra points out parents need to be easily findable Herald not much Chatelaine some newcomers, couple of emails Geequinox is back this year, week after Sigtuna; Spurius & Gaston have stepped forward to handle KM - no major reports - have inventoried entire MFRC cage BB - just got email saying order names are approved - new heavy champion, asleif is in iceberg - went to coronation, halcon, bia, potluck in pei, lyndhaven RP no report from YYG Seneschal ----------- Janet Kempe - Budget Proposes discretionary budget for each officer Q from A&S: how do we get that money? Excq: spend, go to excq with receipt, if <$50 gets reimbursed (if justified), >$50 goes to Curia vote Put to vote, 10 yea, 0 nay, 0 abstain Would like to allow 10% overage on events without needing a Curia vote, add to SOPs ----------- Shed - they want it off their property by April - sarra suggests fundraiser to destroy the shed ----------- Chatelaine position - no successor in sight ----------- same with chronicler position ----------- Vote for KM - Thorin has done position before - is at most practices motion to accept Thorin as KM 10 ayes 0 nays 0 abstain Thorin is new KM ----------- Sarra: we need to keep offices rotating between different people ----------- Sen thanks Gaston for service ----------- Seashire dormancy - sarra has done written report and added to drive - gonna accept the seashire agreement as amended, - mission statement: seashire purpose to make SCA easier to access in HRM - Gaston has found 4 potential Curia members for Seashire = quorum - Esperanza has postal code database, it is a mess - future agenda item: work through database to properly assign cantons; submit to kingdom - discussion about process, seashire dormancy cmtee is going to work on it - draft constitution & SOP, to be circulated - plan to do a Sew Little Time event, possibly incl armoring - think ready to come out of dormancy by summer - aim is for small community-building events, not Event-events - aiming for some sort of event every month whether baronial or canton, bigger than practice but smaller than full event - alessandra suggests tavern nights - thorin suggests little learning events to help prepare for bigger ones - alessandra pointed out YYG does monthly potlucks - possible mini-event May Day, will need to be approved by Ru Curia ---- Court Taxes (sarra) - hasn't liked seneschals saying they're too poor to pay baron - would like more schtick, seneschals saying they can't do that hurts the game because historically inaccurate - proposes that cantons one-up each other with schtick around taxes - discussion ensues: needs to be group effort; seneschal suggests Sarra issue a challenge - BB are on board - sen suggests other challenges e.g. best table (esperanza discusses how this would enhance events), House Wars, ------- Chronicler: - nothing to report - problem with newsletter is reporting on events: either not attending or wants to relax - sarra has suggested 'court reporters' - Asleif wants herald reports from each court to use as crib notes - Esperanza knows a former chronicler, also suggests a try before you buy for chronicler - Sebastien suggests changing chronicler to blogger (still same title) - research needed on statutory requirements for Chronicler - felisha may be interested - sarra suggests a team - janet suggests event staff should include a 'court reporter' -------- Sarra is working on a War Camp bid, still trying to find a site, finding people to pass the torch onto Esperanza suggests Event Steward job shadowing Alessandra trying to bid on BIA + RP -------- BB: money raised for membership, if anyone needs just send her an email -------- sen: points out BB need to be reaffirmed in office esperanza: suggests having the vote at 12n in YYG -------- brief discussion about curia process and increasing transparence -------- motion to close by sebastien, esperanza 2nd, meeting adjourned --------